309 research outputs found

    A Globally Convergent LCL Method for Nonlinear Optimization

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    For optimization problems with nonlinear constraints, linearly constrained Lagrangian (LCL) methods sequentially minimize a Lagrangian function subject to linearized constraints. These methods converge rapidly near a solution but may not be reliable from arbitrary starting points. The well known example \MINOS\ has proven effective on many large problems. Its success motivates us to propose a globally convergent variant. Our stabilized LCL method possesses two important properties: the subproblems are always feasible, and they may be solved inexactly. These features are present in \MINOS only as heuristics. The new algorithm has been implemented in \Matlab, with the option to use either the \MINOS or \SNOPT Fortran codes to solve the linearly constrained subproblems. Only first derivatives are required. We present numerical results on a nonlinear subset of the \COPS, \CUTE, and HS test-problem sets, which include many large examples. The results demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of the stabilized LCL procedure.Comment: 34 page

    Tail bounds for stochastic approximation

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    Stochastic-approximation gradient methods are attractive for large-scale convex optimization because they offer inexpensive iterations. They are especially popular in data-fitting and machine-learning applications where the data arrives in a continuous stream, or it is necessary to minimize large sums of functions. It is known that by appropriately decreasing the variance of the error at each iteration, the expected rate of convergence matches that of the underlying deterministic gradient method. Conditions are given under which this happens with overwhelming probability

    Low-rank spectral optimization via gauge duality

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    Various applications in signal processing and machine learning give rise to highly structured spectral optimization problems characterized by low-rank solutions. Two important examples that motivate this work are optimization problems from phase retrieval and from blind deconvolution, which are designed to yield rank-1 solutions. An algorithm is described that is based on solving a certain constrained eigenvalue optimization problem that corresponds to the gauge dual which, unlike the more typical Lagrange dual, has an especially simple constraint. The dominant cost at each iteration is the computation of rightmost eigenpairs of a Hermitian operator. A range of numerical examples illustrate the scalability of the approach.Comment: Final version. To appear in SIAM J. Scientific Computin

    Efficient evaluation of scaled proximal operators

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    Quadratic-support functions [Aravkin, Burke, and Pillonetto; J. Mach. Learn. Res. 14(1), 2013] constitute a parametric family of convex functions that includes a range of useful regularization terms found in applications of convex optimization. We show how an interior method can be used to efficiently compute the proximal operator of a quadratic-support function under different metrics. When the metric and the function have the right structure, the proximal map can be computed with cost nearly linear in the input size. We describe how to use this approach to implement quasi-Newton methods for a rich class of nonsmooth problems that arise, for example, in sparse optimization, image denoising, and sparse logistic regression.Comment: 23 page

    Gauge optimization and duality

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    Gauge functions significantly generalize the notion of a norm, and gauge optimization, as defined by Freund (1987}, seeks the element of a convex set that is minimal with respect to a gauge function. This conceptually simple problem can be used to model a remarkable array of useful problems, including a special case of conic optimization, and related problems that arise in machine learning and signal processing. The gauge structure of these problems allows for a special kind of duality framework. This paper explores the duality framework proposed by Freund, and proposes a particular form of the problem that exposes some useful properties of the gauge optimization framework (such as the variational properties of its value function), and yet maintains most of the generality of the abstract form of gauge optimization.Comment: 24 p

    Variational properties of value functions

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    Regularization plays a key role in a variety of optimization formulations of inverse problems. A recurring theme in regularization approaches is the selection of regularization parameters, and their effect on the solution and on the optimal value of the optimization problem. The sensitivity of the value function to the regularization parameter can be linked directly to the Lagrange multipliers. This paper characterizes the variational properties of the value functions for a broad class of convex formulations, which are not all covered by standard Lagrange multiplier theory. An inverse function theorem is given that links the value functions of different regularization formulations (not necessarily convex). These results have implications for the selection of regularization parameters, and the development of specialized algorithms. Numerical examples illustrate the theoretical results.Comment: 30 page

    Recovering Compressively Sampled Signals Using Partial Support Information

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    In this paper we study recovery conditions of weighted â„“1\ell_1 minimization for signal reconstruction from compressed sensing measurements when partial support information is available. We show that if at least 50% of the (partial) support information is accurate, then weighted â„“1\ell_1 minimization is stable and robust under weaker conditions than the analogous conditions for standard â„“1\ell_1 minimization. Moreover, weighted â„“1\ell_1 minimization provides better bounds on the reconstruction error in terms of the measurement noise and the compressibility of the signal to be recovered. We illustrate our results with extensive numerical experiments on synthetic data and real audio and video signals.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Smooth Structured Prediction Using Quantum and Classical Gibbs Samplers

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    We introduce two quantum algorithms for solving structured prediction problems. We show that a stochastic subgradient descent method that uses the quantum minimum finding algorithm and takes its probabilistic failure into account solves the structured prediction problem with a runtime that scales with the square root of the size of the label space, and in O~(1/ϵ)\widetilde O\left(1/\epsilon\right) with respect to the precision, ϵ\epsilon, of the solution. Motivated by robust inference techniques in machine learning, we introduce another quantum algorithm that solves a smooth approximation of the structured prediction problem with a similar quantum speedup in the size of the label space and a similar scaling in the precision parameter. In doing so, we analyze a stochastic gradient algorithm for convex optimization in the presence of an additive error in the calculation of the gradients, and show that its convergence rate does not deteriorate if the additive errors are of the order O(ϵ)O(\sqrt\epsilon). This algorithm uses quantum Gibbs sampling at temperature Ω(ϵ)\Omega (\epsilon) as a subroutine. Based on these theoretical observations, we propose a method for using quantum Gibbs samplers to combine feedforward neural networks with probabilistic graphical models for quantum machine learning. Our numerical results using Monte Carlo simulations on an image tagging task demonstrate the benefit of the approach

    Fast Dual Variational Inference for Non-Conjugate LGMs

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    Latent Gaussian models (LGMs) are widely used in statistics and machine learning. Bayesian inference in non-conjugate LGMs is difficult due to intractable integrals involving the Gaussian prior and non-conjugate likelihoods. Algorithms based on variational Gaussian (VG) approximations are widely employed since they strike a favorable balance between accuracy, generality, speed, and ease of use. However, the structure of the optimization problems associated with these approximations remains poorly understood, and standard solvers take too long to converge. We derive a novel dual variational inference approach that exploits the convexity property of the VG approximations. We obtain an algorithm that solves a convex optimization problem, reduces the number of variational parameters, and converges much faster than previous methods. Using real-world data, we demonstrate these advantages on a variety of LGMs, including Gaussian process classification, and latent Gaussian Markov random fields.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    A perturbation view of level-set methods for convex optimization

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    Level-set methods for convex optimization are predicated on the idea that certain problems can be parameterized so that their solutions can be recovered as the limiting process of a root-finding procedure. This idea emerges time and again across a range of algorithms for convex problems. Here we demonstrate that strong duality is a necessary condition for the level-set approach to succeed. In the absence of strong duality, the level-set method identifies ϵ\epsilon-infeasible points that do not converge to a feasible point as ϵ\epsilon tends to zero. The level-set approach is also used as a proof technique for establishing sufficient conditions for strong duality that are different from Slater's constraint qualification
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